I am having the time of my life writing for the Chinese Whisperings Yin Book Anthology!
As I mentioned in a previous post, there are 20 writers and two editors from across the globe participating in this venture. And further to that: There is one premise and two strands that branch out from that premise: one is the Yang Book that is being written by the male writers, and the other is the Yin Book that is being written by the female writers. The idea is that your story must at least begin or end in the original setting and you are to take a secondary character from ANY preceding story and make them the main character of your story. And then we see how all the stories link up. How awesome is that?
One Yin author and one Yang author write at a time with a two week limit to complete the first draft. We write separate stories, yet if there's an opportunity to link them someway, somehow, that's even better. My writing Yang opposite is Dan Powell from - get this, I just realized this today - Germany! It's been great collaborating with him and it's amazing how our stories have linked together at a couple points so effortlessly. Very cool indeed.
If you haven't already, check out the Chinese Whisperings website. You can't read the stories there, but you can find out about the editors, authors, anthologies, and other awesome writing stuff!
Picture Books!
5 years ago