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I wrote my first novel, Smudge's Mark, in a closet. No joke.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I've become a social media junkie!

Good morning! Especially all you JacketFlap readers!

I got an email just now telling me that this blog is featured on the JacketFlap Blog Reader. Would love to hear from some of my readers about who they are and whether or not they're bloggers or on twitter as well.

This social media thing is pretty cool... thru twitter, I've "chatted" it up with some really kind and interesting people. People from literally all over the world. People I'd never have had the chance to "meet" had it not been for such venues. If there is a down-side to it all, though, it's that the "chatting" and "meeting" aren't face-to-face. And, of course, there's always that element of caution because of all the stuff that's on the news that makes you feel like there's a criminal lurking behind every bush, fire hydrant, and web-link. And yeah, you do have to be careful...

But, there still are a lot of good people in the world and you can gain a lot of insights and points of view from blogs and the miriad of re-tweets and direct messages and replies that are found on the twittering system. And just like in real life, you can choose your friends. Even if your interactions with these people are at a distance.

And I really enjoy reading a good blog entry. One that makes me laugh, or think, or just say "What the heck was that all about??" Whether thru media or face-to-face, connecting with people is always a good thing. And just think, if you ever really meet a person you've previously "meet" via internet, then you'll already be ahead of the game in terms of your relationship. (and then you can truly see if that person is as great as you imagined them to be! Or not...)

So, as you plunge into your day of duties, responsibilities, ups, and downs, see who you can meet (or "meet") for the first time today and expand your world.