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I wrote my first novel, Smudge's Mark, in a closet. No joke.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

so, what's been happening?

Wow... haven't been here in a while. No excuses...

But, besides starting a Live Journal that will follow my (almost) daily experiences of writing my second book, lots of things have been happening. And I have found out some interesting info in the last few days... not sure if I can share all of it yet, or not. So I'll wait on some of it. But I can tell you that Smudge's Mark is currently at the printer and I'm expecting to get a box full of my own personal copies within the next couple of weeks!

I can also tell you that twice in the past week, Smudge's Mark has made the 2,000's in the Amazon sales ranking - one of those times putting Smudge into the #91 place in the children's fantasy category. I was so stunned, I took pictures! (In the second picture, can you tell who I was just ahead of?)

And the cover image still isn't even up!:)
Well, those lovely freeze-frames lasted all of an hour and as far as what Amazon sales ranking really means in the over-all grand scheme of the success of a book... who knows? But whatever it means, when you consider that there are about 6 million books on the Amazon list, making the 2,000's before your book is even released is a feat of the supernatural kind! (Well, the fact that my awesome publisher submitted my book to the Association of Canadian Publishers and it was chosen and highlighted as one of the "best new children's and young adults titles for spring" probably had something to do with it, too!:))

As the pub. date of Smudge's Mark approaches, my excitement level is mounting! I can't even begin to imagine what it will feel like to crack open that first box of books! Sa-weet! I'll be sure to let you know.