It's weird to think that I'm blogging and website-ing long before you even know that Smudge, Tessa, and Gil exist. I wish I could introduce them to the world - - yesterday!
Waiting is so hard... I'm not well-known for my patience level - or 'longsuffering' as some would call it. Actually, that sounds about right to me; longsuffering.
Well, okay. Long, yeah. Definitely. Suffering, not so much.
Well, maybe a little.
During the last few years, my emotions and perseverance have been tested like they've never been tested before. Oh, it's a good testing, (by that I mean that I'm glad I'm getting published - I know there are lots of people out there who'd give their eye teeth to be in my position) but that doesn't necessarily make it easier. Becoming a published author is altogether a thrilling, exhausting, exciting, nerve-wracking, overwhelming, nail-biting, frustrating, life-changing experience.
It's amazing anyone comes out of this process normal.
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